Sunday 25 January 2015

Week 17 - Populating our Container City.

   Third week in, and it looks like we're pretty much done texturing most of the assets! There are a few that still need to be done and then we have the job of placing everything!
   We initially split these up between us, not necessarily texturing the same objects that we had modelled. We tried to make it as equal as possible in terms of texturing.
These are a few of my favourites so far,  especially the bust tv with candles inside. I've really liked thinking of the different assets we could include in this game, because to me, it's those tiny little details like jars, forks, plates etc that really sell the look of it. They really bring the level together and make it feel cluttered, like it's a place that's being used.

   We've had a few issues this week in terms of lighting. In the containers, there's a light bleed where the sides meet the top. We've been trying to fix it, and even though it was improved slightly, it still was visible. So we spent some time thinking about different ways to cover it up and hide it from the player.

   We were thinking a bit further on the route the player could take and what it could look like at each point in terms of assets and gameplay, so from the notes we produced, I drew these storyboards to help us have a firm plan of what this would be like in a game situation.

   I really enjoyed storyboarding. It was refreshing as it's not something I've experienced a lot of, but I felt like I really contributed as a team member by doing this. My favourite area of any project is the concepting stage, but there hasn't really been a lot of that in this project. There have been paint overs of block outs, but mostly it's been a rush to find an idea, get this modelled, get that textured. So, it was nice to physically sketch out what we wanted the play through to be.

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