Sunday 29 March 2015

Week 26 - OTM progress, career confusion and character refinement.

   So, we're one week into the Easter holidays and so far I've spent most of it continuing with work on the Off the Map project. I'm going to be taking a break from it for a little while, so I can focus on refining my character project, writing my essay and preparing my presentation.. eek. 

   At the start of this week, I was finishing some concepts for some of the objects for the inside of the Apothecary. These objects have been split between my group so we all have our sections to work on. I've produced these to help with how these objects could potentially look, although they're of course not completely concrete. I did a few of these using watercolours, which I think it's safe to say I need to practice with a bit. It's just since I produced the concepts of the street clutter, I've been thinking I'd really like to work on practicing different materials so I can apply these practices to my concept work. I really enjoy working digitally but it's refreshing to work more traditionally.

   Also this week, I've been refining the model of the florist and have been simultaneously working on the interior textures for both the Florist and the Apothecary. I've been thoroughly enjoying this; once the materials are all plugged in and working together it really starts to bring it to life. I have also built some awnings for the outside of the Florist, which will better distinguish it from the rest.

   I've come home for a couple of weeks and I'll be focusing on my presentation first and foremost, as that is coming first. I still have no idea what to talk about. I'm hoping beyond hope that over the next couple of days that will become clear. I'll be preparing this alongside writing my 2,500 word essay. I'm looking forward to writing it.. sort of. I mean, it'll be nice to get into a big chunk of writing, it's just the subject that is slightly unnerving me. We have to write about our progress over the last year and an action plan to help us progress to the career we want in the industry. As I say, I've been enjoying thinking about this because it's been good to reflect and have that talk with myself, it's just the whole planning for the future I'm having difficulty with. I'm not entirely sure what I want to do yet, even though there are many aspects I enjoy and I know I have the potential. I feel much younger than my age recently and it feels strange thinking about careers as a thing that is actually happening. I know that sounds weird, to be honest I can't help but find the whole thing scary right now. I'm still thinking about it, and I'm going to be working on the essay this week, I just don't have things concrete in my head yet. I'm also going to be spending a few days in Yorkshire next week, and I'm hoping that will be a good way to get away from it all and clear my head a bit, because everything is a bit hazy right now. 

   I'm also going to be working on the character project from before Christmas. In my review a couple of weeks ago, I was advised to refine him to bring my grade to a more solid level. I will be working on his textures and making the topology flow better, because some parts are really low compared to others. Most importantly though, I will be making the character more masculine looking. The image below was the male character originally, before I altered him for the original deadline.

...And the screenshot below is the character after I altered him for the deadline. There is massive improvement between the two, however he still reads as slightly feminine in appearance, mostly due to how pointy the chin is and the lips. I'm going to do some sketches to try and remedy these problems first of all. 

   I'm going to look at some other character types to get inspiration first, using pixar primarily as inspiration. I'll post again once I have created a quick mood board and completed some sketches for the character. I hope everyone is having a good Easter!

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